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Rivers in the Desert Ministries Products

Children's Teaching Books

Character for Young Hearts books areavailable for purchase at

thankful heart

The Thankful Heart

This book is intended to provide parents, home schoolers and children's church instructors fundamentals on teaching their children Bible based wisdom. It examines the following character traits: Outward Appearance, Envy, Self-Control, Honesty, Dishonesty, Bitterness, Pleasing God, Thankfulness and Unthankfulness. It teaches children nothing is impossible with God if they feed on God's Word and live and walk with God's wisdom in their hearts.

The Faithful Heart This book is intended to provide parents, home schoolers and children's church instructors fundamentals on teaching their children Bible based wisdom. It examines the following character traits: Outward Appearance, Obedience, Faithfulness and Humility. It teaches children nothing is impossible with God if they feed on God's Word and live and walk with God's wisdom in their hearts.

wise heart
The Wise Heart This book is intended to provide parents, home schoolers and children's church instructors fundamentals on teaching their children Bible based wisdom. It examines the following character traits: Importance of Wisdom, Source of Wisdom, Application of Wisdom, Benefits of Wisdom, Foolishness, Unity, Authority, Refuge in God. It teaches children nothing is impossible with God if they feed on God's Word and live and walk with God's wisdom in their hearts.

The Generous Heart This book is intended to provide parents, home schoolers and children's church instructors fundamentals on teaching their children Bible based wisdom. It examines the following character traits: Generosity, Greed, Patience, Motivation and Laziness. It teaches children nothing is impossible with God if they feed on God's Word and live and walk with God's wisdom in their hearts.


Christian Living Books

The following books are available for purchase from

dont bury it

Don't Bury It

This booklet addresses your "uniqueness" in how you were created by God and how He furnishes or equips you to fulfill His plan for your life.

drawing from the well
Drawing From the Well This booklet will help you stay "alive in God' all the days of your life if you will obey it's instruction. Learn to "prime the pump" of your spirit man where God lives and be totally refreshed, even during difficult times.

cleaving and pouring
Cleaving and Pouring Cleaving and Pouring is a two way street. Every believer needs to pour their heart out to God and to cleave unto Him. But di you know God cleaves us and wants the results of this to be poured out to the world?




This page was last updated on 14 January 2024